Sawmill business

Portable Sawmill Business: Startup and Management

Last Updated: November 27, 2023By

Starting a portable sawmill business can be a unique and rewarding venture. One sawmill owner, Matt Ruben, shares his journey in building a successful sawmill business from scratch. He offers custom sawing, drying, and furniture services, with a primary focus on selling slabs and milling for customers. Ruben started his business to generate additional income for his family and make use of the old buildings on his property. He began with a Wood-Mizer LT40 sawmill and gradually built up his inventory of logs. After a successful sales month, Ruben decided to transition to running the sawmill full time, which has proven to be a beneficial decision. He has also invested in additional woodworking equipment such as a 25-inch Helical Head planer and a vacuum kiln from iDry. Ruben emphasizes the importance of education and customer communication in his business, offering guidance on the entire sawing and drying process.

Key Takeaways:

  • Starting a portable sawmill business offers unique opportunities for entrepreneurs.
  • Offering custom sawing and drying services, as well as selling slabs and milling for customers, can be a profitable focus.
  • Investing in the right equipment, such as a quality sawmill and additional woodworking tools, is essential.
  • Transitioning to running the sawmill full time can lead to increased success and income.
  • Education and effective customer communication are crucial for a thriving sawmill business.

Building a Sawmill Business: Setting up the Operation

Setting up a sawmill business requires careful consideration of various factors, including acquiring the necessary equipment, establishing efficient log collection and storage processes, and ensuring optimal workflow. This section explores the essential steps involved in setting up a successful sawmill operation.

Acquiring the Right Equipment

The first step in setting up a sawmill business is acquiring the right equipment. Matt Ruben, a successful sawmill owner, started with a Wood-Mizer LT40 sawmill and gradually expanded his collection of woodworking tools. Investing in quality equipment ensures efficient and precise sawing, resulting in high-quality lumber products.

Efficient Log Collection and Storage

Efficient log collection and storage are crucial for a smooth sawmill operation. Establishing a system for collecting logs from various sources, such as tree removal services or local suppliers, is essential. Proper storage of logs, using methods such as stacking and organizing by species and size, helps maintain their quality and prevents deterioration.

Optimizing Workflow

To maximize productivity and efficiency, it is important to optimize the workflow in a sawmill operation. This involves planning the layout of the sawmill to minimize movement and streamline the processing of logs. Implementing a systematic approach to log cutting, slabbing, and processing helps save time and effort.

Factors to Consider in Setting up a Sawmill Business Key Points
Equipment Invest in quality sawmill equipment for efficient and precise sawing.
Log Collection and Storage Establish an efficient system for collecting and storing logs to maintain their quality.
Workflow Optimization Plan the layout of the sawmill and implement systematic approaches to maximize productivity.

Drying and Processing Lumber: Maximizing Quality and Efficiency

lumber drying

In a portable sawmill business, proper drying and processing of lumber are essential to ensuring high-quality products and efficient operations. Matt Ruben, a successful sawmill owner, utilizes various methods to achieve optimal results. Understanding the different drying techniques, managing sawmill waste, and maintaining blade efficiency are key aspects of this process.

Air Drying Method

One of the methods that Ruben employs is air drying. This technique involves stacking the lumber on stickers, allowing for maximum air circulation. Proper stacking and stickering are crucial to avoid warping and ensure even drying. Additionally, monitoring the moisture content of the lumber is essential to prevent over-drying or excessive moisture retention, which can lead to cracks or mold.

Kiln Drying Method

To expedite the drying process, Ruben also uses kiln drying. Conventional-temperature kilns maintain temperatures between 40 to 80 degrees Celsius, while high-temperature kilns operate at 110 to 140 degrees Celsius. Kiln drying offers faster drying times and greater control over the moisture content of the lumber. However, it requires careful monitoring and adherence to specific drying schedules to prevent damage to the wood.

Sawmill Waste Management

A crucial aspect of lumber processing is managing sawmill waste. Ruben ensures that any waste generated during the milling process is properly disposed of or repurposed. Wood waste can be processed into mulch, used for heating purposes, or even transformed into value-added products such as wood pellets. By minimizing waste and finding creative solutions, sawmill owners can reduce their environmental impact and optimize resource utilization.

Blade Maintenance

To maintain efficiency and the quality of the sawmill operation, regular blade maintenance is necessary. Dull blades not only slow down the milling process but also produce rough cuts, leading to decreased lumber quality. Ruben emphasizes the importance of sharpening and replacing blades as needed to ensure clean, precise cuts and maximize productivity.

Methods Advantages Considerations
Air drying
  • Cost-effective
  • Natural drying process
  • Allows for slower, gradual drying
  • Takes longer time
  • Weather-dependent
  • Requires ample space
Kiln drying
  • Faster drying times
  • Greater control over moisture content
  • Reduced risk of mold and insect infestation
  • Initial investment in kiln equipment
  • Requires knowledge of drying schedules
  • Monitoring and maintenance needed

Market Research and Customer Communication: Building a Customer Base

sawmill industry

When starting a portable sawmill business, conducting thorough market research and establishing effective customer communication channels are crucial steps in building a strong customer base. By understanding the market demand and engaging with potential customers, you can position your sawmill business for success.

Market Research

Before launching your sawmill business, it’s essential to conduct comprehensive market research to identify potential customers and assess the demand for your services and lumber products. Start by exploring online platforms such as Craigslist and Facebook, where you can analyze local market trends and competition. Look for keywords related to sawmill services, custom woodworking, and lumber products in your area.

Additionally, connect with other sawmill owners and woodworkers in your region. They can provide valuable insights into the market, share their experiences, and even collaborate on projects. Building relationships with industry professionals can help you stay updated on market trends and identify new opportunities for your business.

Customer Communication

Effective customer communication is key to building trust and loyalty in your sawmill business. It’s important to establish clear channels of communication and promptly respond to customer inquiries and requests. Consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Website: Create a professional website that showcases your sawmill services, lumber products, and contact information. Make sure your website is optimized for search engines and mobile devices.
  • Social Media: Engage with your target audience on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Share updates about your projects, post appealing photos of your lumber products, and interact with potential customers.
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list of interested prospects and send regular newsletters or updates about your sawmill business, new products, and special promotions.
  • Personalized Service: Provide personalized service to your customers by understanding their specific needs and offering tailored solutions. Building strong relationships with your customers can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

By conducting thorough market research and implementing effective customer communication strategies, you can lay a strong foundation for your sawmill business and attract a loyal customer base. Stay proactive in reaching out to potential customers and consistently deliver high-quality products and services to establish your reputation in the industry.

Market Research Checklist Customer Communication Strategies
Identify potential customers through online platforms like Craigslist and Facebook Create a professional website to showcase your services and products
Analyze the demand for sawmill services and lumber products in your area Engage with your target audience on social media platforms
Connect with other sawmill owners and woodworkers for insights and collaboration Build an email list and send regular newsletters or updates


Starting and managing a portable sawmill business requires careful planning, investment in the right equipment, and effective communication with customers. By following the example of successful sawmill owners like Matt Ruben, who built his business from scratch and found success in selling slabs and providing custom sawing services, aspiring sawmill entrepreneurs can learn valuable lessons.

From acquiring the necessary equipment to managing log collection, drying, and processing, attention to detail and quality are key. The sawmill industry offers a great opportunity for lumber production and woodworking enthusiasts to turn their passion into a profitable business. With the right woodworking equipment and a focus on delivering high-quality products, a portable sawmill business can thrive in this industry.

Thriving in the Sawmill Industry

A successful portable sawmill business requires more than just technical skills. It demands market research and customer communication to build a loyal customer base. Conducting thorough market research allows entrepreneurs to identify the demand for sawmill services and lumber products in their target area. By connecting with other sawmill owners and woodworkers, valuable insights can be gained, leading to collaboration opportunities and a stronger presence in the industry.

By consistently delivering top-notch products, providing exceptional customer service, and building a solid reputation, a portable sawmill business can carve a niche in the lumber industry. The demand for locally sourced, custom-made wood products is on the rise, presenting an opportunity for sawmill business owners to meet the needs of discerning customers.


What equipment do I need to start a portable sawmill business?

To start a portable sawmill business, you will need a sawmill, such as the Wood-Mizer LT40, and other woodworking tools like a planer for processing slabs.

How should I dry and process lumber for maximum quality?

You can use both air drying and kiln drying methods. For air drying, stack the lumber on stickers to allow for maximum air circulation. Kiln drying is faster, with different temperature ranges depending on the kiln type.

How can I conduct market research for my sawmill business?

You can research the local market by analyzing online platforms like Craigslist and Facebook to understand the demand for sawmill services and lumber products in your area. It’s also helpful to connect with other sawmill owners and woodworkers.

What factors should I consider when setting up a sawmill operation?

When setting up a sawmill operation, consider acquiring the necessary equipment, organizing log collection and storage, and investing in proper drying and processing methods.

How important is customer communication in a sawmill business?

Customer communication is essential for a successful sawmill business. Effective communication with customers helps build relationships, understand their needs, and provide guidance throughout the sawing and drying process.

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