types of portable sawmills

Comparing Different Types of Portable Sawmills

Last Updated: November 27, 2023By

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to mill your own lumber, portable sawmills are the way to go. With a variety of options available, it’s important to understand the different types of portable sawmills and which one is best suited for your needs.

There are three main types of portable sawmills: chain saw mills, band saw mills, and circular saw mills. Each type comes with its own advantages and considerations, so let’s take a closer look.

Key Takeaways:

  • Portable sawmills are a cost-effective option for milling your own lumber.
  • There are three main types of portable sawmills: chain saw mills, band saw mills, and circular saw mills.
  • Chain saw mills are the least expensive and most easily transportable, but not the most efficient.
  • Band saw mills offer faster and more precise cuts, with thinner kerfs and less wood waste.
  • Circular saw mills excel at milling large-diameter logs and produce straight, accurate cuts.

Chain Saw Mills

Chain saw mills are a popular choice among DIYers and those looking for affordable portable sawmills. These mills are the least expensive option and offer ease of use for milling large logs without the need to move the log. Chain saw mills consist of a metal track that clamps to the log, guiding the saw through the wood. They are capable of accepting saws with bars ranging from 10 to 36 inches in length.

With their compact and easily transportable design, chain saw mills are ideal for those who need a portable solution for milling lumber. They are commonly used by homeowners and small-scale woodworkers who have one or two logs to mill for personal use. These mills are highly versatile, allowing users to cut logs of various sizes and shapes.

Despite their affordability, chain saw mills do have some limitations. They are not as efficient as band saw mills or circular saw mills, and the quality of the cuts may not be as precise. However, for those on a budget or with limited milling needs, chain saw mills provide a cost-effective solution for producing lumber.

Advantages of Chain Saw Mills:

  • Affordable option for portable sawmilling
  • Ease of use and portability
  • Versatile for cutting logs of various sizes and shapes

Limitations of Chain Saw Mills:

  • Less efficient compared to band saw mills and circular saw mills
  • May produce cuts that are less precise

When considering a chain saw mill, it’s important to evaluate your specific needs and budget. If you have a limited number of logs to mill and prioritize affordability and portability, a chain saw mill may be the right choice for you. However, if you require more precise cuts, faster milling speeds, and higher quality results, you may want to explore other options such as band saw mills or circular saw mills.

Band Saw Mills

top-rated portable sawmills

Band saw mills are a step up from chain saw mills in terms of efficiency and results. They are larger and heavier and come with a blade housing positioned over a conveyor track. The blade is oriented parallel to the track, allowing for horizontal cutting. Band saw mills offer more precise and accurate cuts than chain saw mills. They have thinner kerfs, which means less sawdust and less wood waste. Some of the top-rated band saw mill brands include Wood-Mizer and Norwood.

If we compare the cutting capacity of chain saw mills and band saw mills, band saw mills can handle larger logs due to their design and construction. This makes them suitable for milling logs of various sizes. Band saw mills also have the ability to cut through hardwoods with ease. Their powerful motors and sturdy construction contribute to their ability to handle heavy-duty cutting tasks.

“Band saw mills provide smoother cuts with less wasted wood compared to chain saw mills. They are versatile and offer greater accuracy, making them a popular choice for professional woodworkers and lumber producers.” – Industry Expert

Comparison of Top-Rated Portable Sawmill Brands

Brand Features Price Range Customer Reviews
Wood-Mizer Wide cutting capacity, hydraulic log handling, high-quality blades $5,000 – $40,000 4.5/5
Norwood Easy-to-use, modular design, portable $3,000 – $20,000 4/5

When it comes to choosing the right portable sawmill, considering the top-rated brands can provide insight into the quality and performance of the machines. Wood-Mizer is renowned for its wide cutting capacity and high-quality blades, making it a preferred choice for professional woodworkers. Norwood, on the other hand, offers easy-to-use and portable sawmill options suitable for both hobbyists and small-scale lumber producers.

Ultimately, the choice between band saw mills and other portable sawmill options depends on your specific requirements, budget, and woodworking goals. It’s important to carefully evaluate the features, cutting capacity, and customer reviews of different portable sawmills to make an informed decision that meets your needs.

Circular Saw Mills

circular saw mills

When it comes to portable sawmills, circular saw mills offer unique features that make them the ideal choice for certain milling applications. Unlike chain saw mills and band saw mills, circular saw mills use circular saw blades that are mounted on an overhead, moveable track. This configuration allows for faster cutting and is particularly well-suited for milling large-diameter logs. One notable type of circular saw mill is the swing-blade sawmill, which offers a specialized cutting mechanism that allows for accurate depth and width slicing without the need to move the log. Peterson Sawmills is a well-known brand that specializes in swing-blade sawmills.

The key advantage of circular saw mills lies in their ability to produce straight, accurate cuts. The circular saw blades are designed to cut through large logs with precision, resulting in high-quality lumber. The overhead track system allows for smooth and controlled cutting, ensuring consistent results. Circular saw mills also excel at cutting through tough and dense wood species, making them a reliable choice for various milling projects.

In terms of portability, circular saw mills are typically larger and heavier compared to chain saw mills and band saw mills. However, their cutting speed and efficiency make them an attractive option for those who require high-volume lumber production. Additionally, circular saw mills are known for their durability and reliability, making them a long-lasting investment for woodworking enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Table: Circular Saw Mill Features

Feature Description
Circular Saw Blades Equipped with circular saw blades for fast and accurate cutting.
Overhead Track Mounted on an overhead track system for smooth and controlled cutting.
Swing-Blade Mechanism Some models offer a swing-blade mechanism for precise depth and width cutting without moving the log.
Cutting Capacity Capable of handling large-diameter logs for high-volume milling.
Durability Built to withstand heavy-duty use and provide long-lasting performance.

Overall, circular saw mills are a top choice for those who prioritize speed, accuracy, and efficiency in their milling operations. Whether you need to mill large logs or require precise cuts for your woodworking projects, circular saw mills, especially swing-blade sawmills from brands like Peterson Sawmills, offer the features and capabilities to meet your needs.

Choosing the Right Portable Sawmill

When it comes to choosing the right portable sawmill, there are several factors to consider. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or looking to start a small lumber production business, finding the perfect sawmill can make all the difference in the quality of your finished product. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve put together a portable sawmill buying guide that highlights key points to consider and provides useful comparisons.

One of the first things to think about is the type of sawmill that suits your needs. If you only have a few logs to mill for personal use, a chain saw mill may be a cost-effective option. However, if you’re looking for higher production and more precise cuts, a band saw mill or swing-blade sawmill might be a better choice.

Type of Sawmill Advantages Considerations
Chain Saw Mill Affordable, easy to use Less efficient, limited cutting capacity
Band Saw Mill Precise cuts, thin kerf Higher price, heavier and bulkier
Circular Saw Mill Fast cutting, ideal for large logs Higher price, requires more space

In addition to the type of sawmill, other important factors to consider include log size, cutting capacity, power options, and additional features. It’s also helpful to read reviews and seek recommendations from experienced sawmill owners to get insights into the performance and reliability of different models.

By considering your specific needs and comparing different portable sawmills, you can choose the right one that best meets your requirements. With the right portable sawmill, you’ll be able to efficiently and accurately convert logs into high-quality lumber for your woodworking projects.


Portable sawmills offer a cost-effective solution for milling your own lumber. By comparing the different types of portable sawmills, you can make an informed decision and choose the right one for your needs.

Chain saw mills are affordable and easy to use, making them a popular choice for DIYers. Band saw mills provide more precise cuts with thinner kerfs, reducing sawdust and wood waste. Circular saw mills, especially swing-blade sawmills, are ideal for large-diameter logs and offer accurate cuts.

When selecting a portable sawmill, consider factors such as log size, cutting capacity, power options, and additional features. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations from experienced sawmill owners can also help in the decision-making process. By carefully comparing portable sawmill options, you can choose the best one to turn your fallen trees into high-quality lumber for your woodworking projects.


What are the main types of portable sawmills?

The main types of portable sawmills are chain saw mills, band saw mills, and circular saw mills.

Which type of portable sawmill is the least expensive?

Chain saw mills are the least expensive option for portable sawmills.

Are chain saw mills suitable for milling large logs?

Yes, chain saw mills are suitable for milling large logs without moving the log.

Which type of portable sawmill offers more precise cuts?

Band saw mills offer more precise and accurate cuts than chain saw mills.

What are some top-rated band saw mill brands?

Wood-Mizer and Norwood are some top-rated band saw mill brands.

Are circular saw mills faster than chain saw mills?

Yes, circular saw mills, especially swing-blade sawmills, are faster than chain saw mills.

Which type of portable sawmill is ideal for milling large-diameter logs?

Circular saw mills, particularly swing-blade sawmills, excel at milling large-diameter logs.

What factors should I consider when choosing a portable sawmill?

Factors to consider include log size, cutting capacity, power options, and additional features.

How can I make an informed decision on which portable sawmill to choose?

Read reviews, compare options, and seek recommendations from experienced sawmill owners.

How can I turn my own fallen trees into high-quality lumber for woodworking projects?

With the right portable sawmill, you can mill your own lumber from fallen trees.

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